
The checklist to facilitate the filling of the Common Application Form (CAF) via Single Window Clearance for deployment of Telecom infrastructure in the State of West Bengal

The Applicants are requested to upload the scanned copies of requested documents in the prescribed format and size while filling and submission of the Common Application Form (CAF).

For Underground / Overground Infrastructure (whichever applicable)

  • The NOC from the property owner for the installation, laying and/ or maintenance of the telegraph infrastructure. (File format: PDF)
  • No objection Certificate / Consent letter from building owner/ entities having rooftop rights in case of a roof-based tower or from the landowner in case of a ground-based tower (if applicable)
  • Attested copy of the Ownership Document- of the building/site. (File format: PDF)
  • Attested copy of Lease Agreement Deed/Consent Agreement Deed, signed by the applicant and the owner of the site/building (File format: PDF)
  • Copy of the structural strength certificate for the building and tower/ post obtained from any authorized structural engineer and/or from a recognized institute or structural engineer registered or any authorized agencies from time to time by the State Government (File format: PDF)
  • Route Plan and Location map from any publicly available sources (scale 1:1000) showing the site with its latitude- longitude. (File format: PDF)
  • The detailed technical design and drawings of the tower/ post or other above-ground including the specification of foundation Height of the tower along with its elevation and capacity of tower or antenna prescribed by DoT
  • Copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) issued by the Fire Safety Department of the state government in case of high-rise buildings where fire clearance is mandatory
  • Undertaking (original) to take care of any loss or injury due to accident caused by the tower (including a declaration to the effect that the applicant shall take special precaution for fire safety and lighting and he shall be solely responsible for any civil or criminal case arising therefrom).
  • The copy of clearance from the State Environment and Forest Department, if applicable
  • Acknowledgement receipt issued by TERM cell on the basis of self-certificate submitted by license in respect of mobile/ Base Transceiver Station (BTS) establishing/ certifying that all general public areas around the tower shall be within safe Electro Magnetic Radiation (EMR) exposure limit as per peak measurement after the antennas start radiating (Not Mandatory)
  • An undertaking on the specific measures proposed to be taken to ensure public safety during the execution and restoration of the work